1892 - 1985/1932 - 1985; 1985 - Present
From its small and early beginnings in 1892, Holy Innocents Primary School has grown to be a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) primary school. Through each obstacle faced along the school’s journey, it has provided a learning point for the school to lay the foundation and build the framework to continually evolve and improve to finally become what it is in the present day. Established in 1892, Holy Innocents Primary School first started as Holy Innocents’ High School, a Chinese medium mission school. In 1932, the Holy Innocents’ Chinese Girls’ School was founded. In 1985, Holy Innocents' Primary School was proudly formed through the amalgamation of the primary section of Holy Innocents' High School and Holy Innocents' Chinese Girls' School, and the co-educational school moved to its present premises.
Holy Innocents' Primary School School Song

Click here to listen to the school song.
Click here to listen to the school song.
Holy Innocents' Primary School School Motto
谦 诚 和 爱

Holy Innocents' Chinese Girls' School School Song (Former)

圣婴女校创校五十周年金禧纪念特刊, 1932-1982
谦 诚 和 爱

Holy Innocents' Chinese Girls' School School Song (Former)
Holy Innocents' Chinese Girls' School School Motto (Former)
圣婴女校校训 (旧版)
德 纯 义 坚
德 纯 义 坚

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