

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Kwong Fook School 广福学校 (Former)

1916 - 1982

当年火城,工厂林立,一般工人子弟,没有求学场所。来自中国的知识分子梅云衢先生喜见戏台,提议借用平时没有演戏的戏台办学。恰好养正学校正在添换桌椅,于是,就把旧桌椅转送给广福学校。1916年10月5日,广福学校开始上课。初期,学生只有二三十人。 往后,除了日间课程,还设立平民班与免费班,让经济上有困难的学童入学。广福学校之后,扩建了几次。1956年完成新校舍大楼,14间课室。学生数目,巅峰时期近1200人。 

社会事务部次长陈志成1966年参加学校50年校庆致辞中说―― “火城一带,除了煤气总局之外,满是火锯厂、铁厂、机器厂,附近的居民多是劳工,学生之中多是工人子女,所以广福学校无形中成为一间工人子弟学校。董事部一直以来出钱出力,开办工人子弟学校,关照劳苦大众,解决他们儿女的教育问题真实难能可贵,令人钦佩。 殖民地时代的教育,学生们只求离校后能有一点谋生技能,解决了生活,便是教育的最大目的。现在的教育目的,可就大大不同了…… 一个国家的安危盛衰,有赖于教育的成功与失败,教育工作只许成功,不许失败!”

References: http://bigbus.wordpress.com/2011/08/03/old-bus-terminus-crawford-street/

Kwong Fook School School Song

 Kwong Fook School School Motto

Xinghua Primary School 醒华小学 (Formerly Sing Hua Public School 前公立醒华学校)

1930 - 1983; 1983 - Present

Sing Hua School or Xing hua School was founded by Mr Chua Cheok Sar in 1930. It started as a small wood-and-thatch building with a handful of pupils. During World War II, the school was converted into a barracks for Japanese soldiers. After the war, the school was turned into a soap factory, but with the support of sponsors, Mr Chua rented four classrooms from the factory in 1946. Sing Hua became an aided school in 1957 with an enrolment of more than 500 pupils. In 1964, funds were raised for a new building. The foundation stone was laid in 1971 and in 1976, the school was officially declared open by Mr Sia Kah Hui, then Minister of Labour. It became a government school in 1983 and relocated to Hougang Avenue 1 on 17 December 1984.

醒华学校创校五十周年纪念特刊 1980 - 献词

Sin Hua Public School School Song

Sin Hua Public School School Motto

醒华学校创校五十周年纪念特刊 1980

Guangyang Primary/Secondary School 光洋小学/中学 (Former Kong Yiong High School 前光洋中小学)

1918 - 1986

Kong Yiong High School was started by a group of Chinese education enthusiasts on 25 February 1918, offering Chinese as the first language. It was first located next to the Serangoon Post Office, before moving to 993B Yio Chu Kang Road in 1930.

During the Japanese Occupation, the school was temporarily closed and reopened in September 1945. In 1959, the school took in secondary classes and was named Kong Yiong High School. In 1978, the school became bilingual offering English as well as Chinese as a first and second language. In 1984, the secondary school branch and the primary school branch separated. The primary school branch was converted into a government school in 1986, while the secondary school branch was closed. 

In 1987, a new government school, Guangyang Secondary School was established in Bishan. In 1988, the primary section of Kiong Yong High School was renamed Guangyang Primary School and moved to Bishan Street 12 in 1993.

Kong Yiong High School School Song (Former)
 光洋中小学校歌 (旧版)

Kong Yiong High School School Song (Former)

Nong Chong Public School 公立农村学校 (Former)

Nong Chong (or Nong Cun in Mandarin) was a school situated at Yio Chu Kang Village. It was closed in the 1980s due to the resettlement of the surrounding villages.

Nong Chong Public School School Motto

勤 勇 诚 毅

Xinmin Primary/Secondary School 新民小学/中学 (Formerly Sin Min High School - Hougang 前新民中学/公立新民学校 - 后港)

1945 - 1986; 1987 - Present


叶帆风先生有这样一个梦想:他想为后港、实龙岗一带的学子提供接受教育的机会。日据时期,许多人没有机会接受教育,目不识丁,有些人则中途辍学。当时的教育体系,上至高等学府,下至幼稚园,招生人数都很有限,而且只有家境富裕子弟享有受教育的机会。 当时,大多数学校都设立在新加坡的中心商业区,为了让居住在偏远地区的学生有机会接受教育,叶帆风、王振翥、陈春霆三位先生萌起创校壮志。由于大部分家庭一贫如洗,收入微薄,仅够支付日常生活开销,因此筹募创校基金困难重重。为了实现兴校办学的梦想,叶帆风先生卖掉家中养的五头猪,以此租下了实龙岗上段的三间旧洋楼,当年招收了六百二十名学生入学。 1945年11月1日,公立新民学校正式创校。

Chapter 1: It all started with a bold dream. 

 Mr Yap Fun Fong had a dream. He wanted to provide education to the predominantly Chinese community in the Hougang-Serangoon area. During those times, many people were uneducated or had their education stopped halfway, due to the Japanese occupation. Schools, including kindergartens and high schools, were limited and only those who were considered “rich” among the rest were able to attend classes. Together with Mr Heng Chin Soo and Mr Tan Choon Teng, Mr Yap planned to set up a school for the needy and those who lived far from the central district, where most schools were located. At that time, raising funds was not easy as most people were poor and would rather use their money for the daily necessities. Determined to turn his dream into a reality, Mr Yap sold his five pigs to rent three bungalows along Upper Serangoon Road to accommodate 620 students. Thus, Sin Min School was born on 1 November 1945.

Click here for the full history of Sin Min High School.

Sin Min High School School Song (Former) 
新民中学校歌 (旧版)

Sin Min High School/Xinmin Secondary School Song (Current) 
新民中学校歌 (新版)

Click here to listen to the school song.

Chart showing  the dialectal composition of Sin Min Public School students in 1946

Sin Min Public School 1st Anniversary Commemorative Magazine (1946)
Sin Min Public School 8th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine (1953)