Saturday 27 July 2013

Nong Min Chinese School 农民公学 (Former)

1946 - 1977

Nong Min Chinese School

农民公学创立于1946 (日军投向后的第二年)。 当时,一些热心的小商人和村民出钱出力,把日本宪兵部队留下的仓库改成名副其实的农村子弟学校,处在漫山遍野橡树椰林的三百依葛村深处,四周都是鸟语花香的农舍,鸡犬之声相闻,一片纯朴的农村景象。

After the Japanese surrender, many warm-hearted villagers living in the Jalan Tiga Ratus Village came together to set up the Nong Min Chinese School in 1946. Amidst the rubber and coconut plantations, the school was housed in an old Japanese barrack and catered to the children of the farmers and villagers living around the Upper Changi Road area. As the village around the Upper Changi area was resettled in the 1970s, the school closed in 1977.


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