Tuesday 23 July 2013

Hai Sing Catholic School 海星天主教中学 (Formerly Hai Sing High School/Girls' High School 海星女子中学)

1959 - 1981; 1981 - Present
海星女中创建于1959年,由玛丽亚芳济各传教修女会创办,是由已故特丽莎曾修女向圣婴女校商借实龙岗乡下的三间课室开始办学。 学校在1961年创建属于自己的校园,1963年开办六年的中学与高中教育,所招收的学生多数是来自榜鹅一带的乡村女孩。1978年,海星女中获选为新加坡14所杰出华校之一。 1981年,海星接收英文源流学生。到了1990年,学校搬迁至目前的校址巴西立新镇,也开始招收男学生以及各族学生,校名也改为海星白沙中学。九年后,学校又改名为海星天主教中学。

Hai Sing Girls' High School (海星女子中学), a Catholic Chinese-medium school, was established by the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in 1959. The school grew out of a vision to provide secondary school education to the girls in the rural area of Upper Serangoon district. In 1978, Hai Sing was named one of the 14 outstanding Chinese secondary schools in Singapore. In 1981, the Chinese-medium school became an English-medium school. The school was renamed "Hai Sing High School" when it began to accept boys in January 1990. In March 1990, it was relocated to Pasir Ris Drive 6, and declared open on 11 July 1992. It was renamed "Hai Sing Catholic School" in 1999 to reflect its Catholic roots.

Hai Sing Catholic School School Song 

灿烂海星 皎洁无双

雄视狮城 照彻新邦 

五育施教 示我康庄 

泽及南洋 化被四方

坚贞名节 真理宣扬 

英才蔚起 国运日昌

Come on Hai Sing, let us go,

Upward, onward, never looking back

Striving always with resilience,

Excellence in all that we do.

Let our motto be Truth & Charity.

Hai Sing shine forth For all to see.

Hai Sing Catholic School School Motto

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